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July Holidays & National Days & Fun Days | July Calendar
July Calendar
July Month-Long Holidays
- Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month
- Alopecia Month for Women
- Anti Boredom Month
- Baked Bean Month
- Bank Account Bonus Month
- Bereaved Parents Awareness Month
- Bioterrorism / Disaster Education and Awareness Month
- Cell Phone Courtesy Month
- Cord Blood Awareness Month
- Dog Days – July 3 – August 11
- Eggplant Month
- Eye Injury Prevention Month
- Family Golf Month
- Family Reunion Month
- Fireworks Safety Month – June 1 – July 31
- Fragile X Awareness Month
- Freedom from Fear of Speaking Month
- Garlic Month
- Hemochromatosis Screening Awareness Month
- Herbal / Prescription Interaction Awareness Month
- Hitchhiking Month
- Independent Retailer Month
- International Alopecia Month for Women
- International Blondie and Deborah Harry Month
- International Group B Strep Awareness Month
- International Women with Alopecia Month
- International Zine Month
- Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month
- Lasagna Awareness Month
- Lettuce Month
- Light the Night for Sight Month
- Lost Pet Prevention Month
- Melon Month
- Minority Tourism Month
- National Baked Bean Month
- National Bison Month
- National Black Family Month
- National Blueberries Month
- National Child-Centered Divorce Month
- National Cleft & Craniofacial Awareness & Prevention Month
- National Culinary Arts Month
- National Dog House Repairs Month
- National Grilling Month
- National HIV Awareness Month
- National Horseradish Month
- National Hot Dog Month
- National Ice Cream Month
- National July Belongs to Berries Month
- National Make a Difference to Children Month
- National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
- National Outdoor Month
- National Park and Recreation Month
- National Peach Month
- National Picnic Month
- National Roadside Traffic Safety Awareness Month
- National Share a Sunset with Your Lover Month
- National Vacation Rental Month
- National Water Gardening Month
- National Watermelon Month
- National Wheelchair Beautification Month
- Nectarine Month
- Plastic Free July
- Purposeful Parenting Month
- Sandwich Generation Month
- Sarcoma Awareness Month
- Self Care Month
- Smart Irrigation Month
- Social Wellness Month
- Tennis Month
- Tour de France Month
- Unlucky Month for Weddings
- UV Safety Month
- Wheat Month
- Wild About Wildlife Month
- Women’s Motorcycle Month
- World Watercolor Month
- Worldwide Bereaved Parents Awareness Month