Halloween: Hand That Crawled

The Hand That Crawled: A Halloween Horror in Small Town USA

The Hand That Crawled: A Halloween Horror in Small Town USA


(The scene is a small country town on Halloween night. The streets are filled with children in costumes, running around and having fun. The town square is decorated with pumpkins and other Halloween decorations. In the center of the square is a large fountain. A severed hand is crawling around the fountain, seemingly searching for something.)

CHILD 1: Look! A severed hand!

CHILD 2: Ew! That’s gross!

(The children run away, screaming. The hand continues to crawl around the fountain, seemingly oblivious to the children’s reactions.)


(The townspeople have gathered in the town square to investigate the strange sight. They are all talking amongst themselves, trying to figure out what the hand is doing there.)

TOWNSMAN 1: What is that thing?

TOWNSMAN 2: It looks like a severed hand.

TOWNSMAN 3: It’s probably just a Halloween prank.

(The hand continues to crawl around the fountain, seemingly searching for something.)


(The townspeople are still gathered in the town square, trying to figure out what the hand is doing there. Suddenly, the hand stops and points to a small pumpkin sitting on the edge of the fountain. The townspeople look at each other in confusion.)

TOWNSMAN 1: What is it pointing at?

TOWNSMAN 2: I don’t know.

(The hand crawls over to the pumpkin and opens it, revealing a small note inside. The townspeople gather around to read the note.)

NOTE: “Happy Halloween! I hope you all have a spooky night!”

(The townspeople look at each other in amazement. The hand crawls away, seemingly satisfied with its mission. The townspeople watch in awe as the hand disappears into the night.)

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